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Stormwater Management
Township Ordinances 764 - 799
Ord 764 Chesapeake Bay Pollutant Reduction Plan
Ord 765 Vacating Part of Grandview Road
Ord 766 Established 2015 Budget
Ord 767 Established 2015 Tax Rate
Ord 768 Established BOC 2015 Meetings
Ord 769 Chesapeake Bay Pollutant Reduction Plan
Ord 770 Amended Section 127-25 Parking Prohibited
Ord 771 Amended Ord 465 Police Pension
Ord 772 Amended Ord 407 Subdivision & Land Development
Ord 773 Adoption of LERTA Program - 26 Industrial Drive
Ord 774 Ordinance Codification
Ord 775 Amended Ord 691 Firefighter Pension
Ord 776 Amended Section 300-43 Parking Prohibited
Ord 777 Amended Section 300-17 Stop Intersections
Ord 778 Adoption of Public Roads Kaitlyn Dr, Alexander Dr, Grandview. .
Ord 779 Approved Sanitary Sewer Kaitlyn Dr, Tyler Dr, Alexander Dr
Ord 780 Adopted Public Roads Beck Mill Rd, Grandview Rd, Martins. . .
Ord 781 Approved Sanitary Sewer Brian Ln, Martins Ridge Dr, Beck Mill. .
Ord 782 Floodplain Ordinance
Ord 783 Hanover Borough Deputy Fire Chief Agreement
Ord 784 Appropriating Specific Sums in 2016
Ord 785 Fixing Tax Rate 2016
Ord 786 Establishing Time and Place of BOC Meetings 2016
Ord 787 Stop Sign at Sonny and Nancy Streets
Ord 788 Amending Speed Limits, Stop Intersections and Through Highways
Ord 789 Laying Out and Adopting as Public Road Portions of Breezewood Dr
Ord 790 Approving Construction of Sanitary Sewer on Breezewood Dr.
Ord 791 Amending No Parking on Breezewood Drive
Ord 792 Amending 390 and 495, Residential Street Lighting
Ord 793 2017 Budget
Ord 794 Fixing Tax Rate 2017
Ord 795 Establishing Time and Place of BOC Meetings 2017
Ord 796 Setting Speed Limits and Stop Intersections
Ord 797 Intergovernmental Cooperation by Agreement
Ord 798 Amending Compensation Paid to Tax Collector
Ord 799 Intergovernmental Agreement York County Regional CBPRP