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Joint Comprehensive Plan
        The Comprehensive Plan is a policy guide for the ongoing development of municipalities in Pennsylvania. The Plan establishes a foundation for land use and development regulations and a framework for policy and investment decisions regarding transportation, housing, municipal services, utilities, and natural and historic resource conservation. Its purpose in considering these topics simultaneously is to ensure that municipal decisions and investments are coordinated and complementary to the land use plan and to one another.

        This joint comprehensive plan was prepared and adopted by Penn Township and Hanover Borough. Its goal in planning for both municipalities jointly is to analyze both municipalities as “the Hanover Area" and recommend municipal and multi-municipal action, as appropriate, to coordinate regulatory, service, and capital improvement decisions. This plan furthers current cooperative efforts and includes new opportunities for intergovernmental approaches to the cost effective delivery of government services.

        For at least the next 10 years, the Township and the Borough aim to remain independent, cooperating municipalities. Consolidation as one municipality is not intended as a goal of this planning effort. There is certainly interest in operating efficient, cost-effective local government services and coordinating those services, one department at a time. If interest arises to consolidate these two and/or other municipalities in the Hanover Area in the future, a joint planning effort to discuss and evaluate that alternative would be appropriate.